Fight over YouTube viewer records highlights privacy issues
Law Times – Aurora,Ontario,Canada
Mark Hayes says litigators dealing with personal information in the disclosure stage should start considering privacy issues from the start.

Michigan Supreme Court limits Freedom of Information Act
Michigan Daily – Ann Arbor,MI,USA
The Supreme Court ruled that Michigan State acted legally when it refused to release a police report it withheld for privacy reasons, even though the trial

Lawmakers Seek Opt-In Regime for NebuAd
eWeek – New York, NY
Privacy advocates have been relentless in their criticism of DPI and Congressional pressure has already cost NebuAd a deal with Charter Communications.

Library confrontation points up privacy dilemma
San Francisco Chronicle – CA, USA
Flint demanded a search warrant, touching off a confrontation that pitted the privacy rights of library patrons against the rights of police on official

Broadband User Have Rights, Deep Packet Inspection Technology and
Technology News Daily – Scottsdale,AZ,USA
Privacy is a cornerstone of freedom. Without question, the digital era in communications technologies will heighten concern about the sensitivity of

UK considers giving teeth to privacy enforcers
Los Angeles Times – CA,USA
As this ZDNet article tells it, the British government is considering proposals to broaden the privacy protection powers of the Information Commissioner’s

Privacy Advocates Worried, Wary About E-Rx Merger
iHealthBeat – Oakland,CA,USA
Despite company officials’ assurances that SureScripts-RxHub does not engage in data mining and will maintain strict privacy controls, privacy advocates

Bob Barr endorses Accountability Now/Strange Bedfellows coalition
Salon – USA
A lot of media attention has been focused on our privacy or, more appropriately, the invasion of our privacy by the government. The recent law that allows

Facebook Bug Leaks Birthday Data – Mumbai,India
He noted that birth dates of some of his very reclusive and privacy-obsessed acquaintances were popping up when actually they should have been hidden.

Prosecution vs. privacy
Boston Globe – United States
But this doesn’t mean that, 32 years later, in an age of heightened sensitivity about privacy, the public wants prosecutors to have the same latitude to

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