Fight over YouTube viewer records highlights privacy issues
Law Times – Aurora,Ontario,Canada
Mark Hayes says litigators dealing with personal information in the disclosure stage should start considering privacy issues from the start. …
Michigan Supreme Court limits Freedom of Information Act
Michigan Daily – Ann Arbor,MI,USA
The Supreme Court ruled that Michigan State acted legally when it refused to release a police report it withheld for privacy reasons, even though the trial …
Lawmakers Seek Opt-In Regime for NebuAd
eWeek – New York, NY
Privacy advocates have been relentless in their criticism of DPI and Congressional pressure has already cost NebuAd a deal with Charter Communications. …
Library confrontation points up privacy dilemma
San Francisco Chronicle – CA, USA
Flint demanded a search warrant, touching off a confrontation that pitted the privacy rights of library patrons against the rights of police on official …
Broadband User Have Rights, Deep Packet Inspection Technology and …
Technology News Daily – Scottsdale,AZ,USA
Privacy is a cornerstone of freedom. Without question, the digital era in communications technologies will heighten concern about the sensitivity of …
UK considers giving teeth to privacy enforcers
Los Angeles Times – CA,USA
As this ZDNet article tells it, the British government is considering proposals to broaden the privacy protection powers of the Information Commissioner’s …
Privacy Advocates Worried, Wary About E-Rx Merger
iHealthBeat – Oakland,CA,USA
Despite company officials’ assurances that SureScripts-RxHub does not engage in data mining and will maintain strict privacy controls, privacy advocates …
Bob Barr endorses Accountability Now/Strange Bedfellows coalition
Salon – USA
A lot of media attention has been focused on our privacy or, more appropriately, the invasion of our privacy by the government. The recent law that allows …
Facebook Bug Leaks Birthday Data – Mumbai,India
He noted that birth dates of some of his very reclusive and privacy-obsessed acquaintances were popping up when actually they should have been hidden. …
Prosecution vs. privacy
Boston Globe – United States
But this doesn’t mean that, 32 years later, in an age of heightened sensitivity about privacy, the public wants prosecutors to have the same latitude to …