Ontario and BC Privacy Commissioners offer guidance to
Canada NewsWire (press release) – Toronto,Ontario,Canada
This morning, Ontario’s Ann Cavoukian and BC’s David Loukidelis released a Joint Practice Tool for Exercising Discretion – Emergency Disclosure of Personal

E-mail attack on professor ignites privacy debate at U of O
Canada.com – Don Mills,Ontario,Canada
a Yahoo e-mail address, but the e-mail itself, and how it was circulated, has faculty and students abuzz over privacy issues and academic freedom.

Personal genomics requires redefining privacy The human blueprint
San Francisco Chronicle – CA, USA
The real concern facing consumers of personal genomics lies in the potential for a total loss of privacy, not just for the consumers themselves,

Google’s growth makes privacy advocates wary
Monitor – McAllen,TX,USA
A bigger long-term concern for Google could be criticisms over something less tangible – privacy. Increasingly, as Google burrows deeper into everyday

Google changes JotSpot privacy settings after complaint
CNET News – San Francisco,CA,USA
Google said on Friday that it was modifying the privacy settings on its JotSpot online collaboration service after a researcher discovered that user e-mail

New privacy row over lost data
guardian.co.uk – UK
The government was embarrassed by another data-loss scandal last night when the private details of up to 12 million people were put at risk after a memory

Privacy watchdog slams databases, year of data loss
Computerworld – Framingham,MA,USA
By Siobhan Chapman October 30, 2008 (Computerworld UK) The number of data breaches reported to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has soared to 277

Published Privacy Impact Assessments on the Web
TMC Net – Norwalk,CT,USA
SUMMARY: The Privacy Office of the Department of Homeland Security is making available eleven (11) Privacy Impact Assessments on various programs and

Privacy inquiry over Obama’s aunt
Irish Times – Dublin,Ireland
THE DEPARTMENT of homeland security is investigating whether its privacy rules were breached after a report emerged that Barack Obama’s aunt has been living

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