Retailers must limit collection of driver’s licence information
Government of Canada Newsroom (press release) – Ottawa,ON,Canada
to see driver’s licences and are recording numbers, often in contravention of privacy laws,” says the federal Privacy Commissioner, Jennifer Stoddart.

Privacy tsars warn against using driver’s licence as ID – Don Mills,Ontario,Canada
The federal, BC and Alberta privacy commissioners issued the guidelines to remind retailers that it’s not always legal to record driver’s licence numbers to

Check but don’t photocopy driver’s licences, privacy watchdogs – Toronto,Ontario,Canada
Retailers should check but not swipe or photocopy customers’ drivers licences, privacy commissioners in Canada warned, noting the cards contain personal ..

Canada: Privacy Breach Notifications In The Health Sector
Mondaq News Alerts (registration) – London,UK
In March 2007, following the aforementioned Sick Kids incident, the Ontario Information and Privacy Commissioner, Ann Cavoukian, released a health order

Privacy breach alleged over Tories’ mailing
Alberta Express – Calgary,Alberta,Canada
The NFU on Monday wrote to federal privacy commissioner Jennifer Stoddart, asking her to investigate the letters, which urge farmers to vote for candidates

Parking system K: privacy boss
Calgary Herald – AB, Canada
Collecting people’s licence plate and credit card information through a new parking system does not break any privacy rules, the office of Alberta’s

Privacy right extends to drugs in luggage: judge
National Post – Toronto,Ontario,Canada
Mr. Rogers’ first step is to prove that Crisby had an expectation of privacy over the contents of his luggage when he checked his bags in Fort McMurray.

Wall Street Journal Blogs

Privacy vs. Safety: When College Students Have Mental Health Problems
Wall Street Journal Blogs – New York,NY,USA
If you feel parents should have oversight of their college-age kids, would you ask your child to sign a privacy waiver? Does it make a difference if you’re

Privacy Advocates Wary of Facebook Connect
Sci-Tech Today – USA
By Patricia Resende Facebook Connect is drawing scrutiny from privacy advocates, who are concerned what user information will be shared with other sites.

Facebook Links Social Networks With Single Sign-On
InformationWeek – Manhasset,NY,USA
It is also likely to add to privacy concerns. However, the social networking site has promised more caution in terms of protecting user privacy than it has


Obama’s attorney general pick: Good on privacy?
CNET News – San Francisco,CA,USA
Another privacy flash point in the 1990s was encryption, including whether to regulate exports, and whether the federal government should–or could–outlaw

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