Internet Throttling Threatens Privacy
mediacaster – Toronto,Canada
The Canadian Privacy Commissioner, Jennifer Stoddart, had stated last April that Bell’s public explanations of its use of deep packet inspection technology
Privacy video contest – Ontario,Canada
p2pnet news view Freedom | P2P:- Canada Privacy Commissioner Jennifer Stoddart worries young Canadians aren’t getting the importance protecting personal
Planned Internet, wireless surveillance laws worry watchdogs
Globe and Mail – Toronto,Ontario,Canada
Led by federal privacy commissioner Jennifer Stoddart, privacy commissioners and ombudspersons are calling on federal Parliament “to ensure there is a clear
Privacy commissioners urge caution on expanded surveillance plan
Canada NewsWire (press release) – Toronto,Ontario,Canada
and our courts have also accorded a high expectation of privacy to such communications,” says Jennifer Stoddart, the Privacy Commissioner of Canada.
Privacy watchdogs urge caution on cyber-eavesdropping.
Federal privacy commissioner Jennifer Stoddart said the proposed legislation is overly intrusive and needs to be “dramatically modified” so that police

Privacy watchdogs on expanded surveillance – Ontario,Canada
communications and our courts have also accorded a high expectation of privacy to such communications,” says federal commissioner Jennifer Stoddart.

California Chronicle
SACRAMENTO — The State Legislature approved State Senator Joe Simitian´s (D-Palo Alto) SB 20, a bill to strengthen and update California´s landmark privacy
Groups give Obama high grade for medical privacy
Government Health IT
By Mary Mosquera A coalition of privacy groups gave the Obama administration a grade of A- for progress in medical privacy because of provisions in the
Obama Privacy Grades Far From Stellar
Health Data Management
The Electronic Privacy Information Center, a Washington-based research and advocacy

Surveillance cameras in Pennsylvania town prompt privacy concerns
And the fact that it will be monitored by ordinary citizens has raised privacy concerns. “They are using fear to sell the cameras as much as possible,” said

Privacy commissioners urge Ottawa to go slow on Internet eavesdropping
Canada’s privacy commissioners are urging the federal government to move with caution toward any proposals to expand surveillance of digital and Internet

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