2nd BC public servant fired for welfare privacy breach
Two BC public servants have been fired following a breach of privacy rules, the provincial government admitted Thursday. (Sam Bufalini/CBC) Two BC civil …
Employee in privacy breech stayed on the job 7 months after discovery
Vancouver Sun
The employee was suspended last month when Citizens’ Services Minister Ben Stewart said he first learned of the privacy breach. A short time later, …
Toronto subway suicide numbers released
Times of the Internet
The Ontario Information and Privacy Commissioner ruled on the side of the Toronto Sun, which argued the publicly funded commission had no right to withhold …
Despite stats, publicity still bothers Mihevc
Toronto Sun
Mihevc agreed to speak about suicides in the transit system after the Office of the Privacy Commissioner ordered the TTC to release its suicide numbers to …
Privacy law helps the government hide
Victoria Times Colonist
It was a good example of how privacy law has vastly enhanced officials’ first inclination to say “no” to every request. So it’s very enlightening to see how …
Google, EBay Wanted as Prisoners of Privacy Wars
Bedrock principles in one nation’s culture and law, say, free speech, barely count in a nation that values some other principle more, like privacy. …