Liberals must divulge contents of lucrative contract awarded to IBM
He upheld a decision by information and privacy commissioner David Loukidelis, who said last year the government must divulge the voluminous contract,

Newsmakers ’09: Winners
in part due to a report issued by federal privacy commissioner Jennifer Stoddart blasting Facebook for violating Canadian privacy law.

AHS cleared after computer virus investigation
Information and Privacy Commissioner Frank Work says it shows that, even when certain safeguards are in place, things can go wrong. (bp, ccg)

Worst of the H1N1 pandemic is not over
Northern Daily News
Responding to concerns originally raised by Sun Media, Ann Cavoukian’s office investigated why some clinics — notably in Ottawa and Toronto — demanded and

Orwell’s predicted society now a reality; We live in an era of 24/7
Canada’s own privacy commissioner, Jennifer Stoddart, in an interview with the Ottawa Citizen early this year, expressed similar concerns.

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