- The NSA’s military-technological complex should concern us all. http://t.co/63YepsOb9H ->
- Eavesdropping agency’s personal information banks go unlisted despite legal obligation. http://t.co/X9QNJSiiwl ->
- Surveillance society: 7 ways you’re being watched, and didn’t know it. http://t.co/K7cL0N5doI ->
- LifeLabs loses personal info for 16,100 Kamloops patients. http://t.co/eqAWb1I774 ->
- Poor data-breach tracking, reporting concerns federal privacy commissioner. http://t.co/xihZql1e6u ->
- NSA, Prism and Internet Exchange Points in Canada. http://t.co/A3i6CM7nHs ->
- Saskatchewan Disease Control Laboratory’s colorectal cancer screening program forms missing. http://t.co/N5rQJQYzqv ->
- Canada’s anti-spam law could be canned by government: Geist. http://t.co/7Sv4fUCpff ->
- Privacy rights in Saskatchewan lag rest of West, report says. http://t.co/sJ6Wtvly9Q ->
- Redundant mask law robs activists of powerful symbols. http://t.co/rstnWICQjT ->
- Canadian workers unaware of company security rules: Poll. http://t.co/tMvit0U1cL ->
- Editorial: Saskatchewan lags on info access, privacy. http://t.co/LwVN5EWqAA ->
- Nerd farm no more: Speech offers rare glimpse into eavesdropping agency. http://t.co/bQlokf4RN0 ->
- Saskatchewan Information and Privacy Commissioner issues 2012-2013 Annual Report [pdf] http://t.co/t53bZsSjLo ->
- Many iPhone Apps Ignore Apple’s Privacy Advice, Study Says | MIT Technology Review http://t.co/flvR25ucDw ->
- Analysis shows better protocols needed after privacy breaches. http://t.co/O3YCwHhQEY ->
- Alberta government wants your input on its privacy act. http://t.co/R0ZvKuVmhA ->
- Commissioner says Saskatchewan failing to protect privacy. http://t.co/R4hWnaSOCr ->
- Privacy watchdog says it’s ‘ludicrous’ for Liberals to say emails must be deleted; McGuinty calls rules ‘confusing’. http://t.co/gnHAqdoUf8 ->