- More Encryption Is Not the Solution. http://t.co/osnvQoEQdh ->
- Privacy Vs. Spam: New Approaches From Google, Facebook, Pinterest. http://t.co/PSlvCbhFtJ ->
- Americans Sharply Split on Privacy Issues. http://t.co/KccQSKZAXV ->
- The myth of Do Not Track — and the tragedy of Internet privacy. http://t.co/fOwNmKBQxb ->
- RT @ShawnHooper: Prism still knows. RT @surprisedp: I like a good summer rain.
Washes away all the evidence. ->
- RT @FirstWorldPains: I sneezed while on Skype and the NSA didn't say 'Bless You' ->
- RT @csoghoian: UK spy agency GCHQ seeking capability to "exploit any phone, anywhere, any time." http://t.co/tzxttn7WTx ->