- Will spying on users kill online businesses? http://t.co/UPpBwZfuhx ->
- Schneier on Security: The NSA is Commandeering the Internet http://t.co/EJtEUtzCit ->
- Stop Thinking That Tech Hacks Will Fix Our Surveillance Problems. http://t.co/Ya3VewZ0Zk ->
- Is Your Private Data Lost in the Cloud? http://t.co/Xqs0winlu6 ->
- Mailpile Is A Pro-Privacy, Open Source Webmail Project That’s Raised ~$100,000 On Indiegogo. http://t.co/uuP3Crcw2D ->
- CyanogenMod Account launched to bring security and privacy features. http://t.co/riE8qKkonf ->
- Security Community Raises Money for Researcher Snubbed by Facebook Bounty Program. http://t.co/aJq7AMIDDU ->
- Most top mobile apps don’t have privacy policies [with infographic] http://t.co/ZZlKNeZPmK ->
- Minister James Moore comments on wireless industry rhetoric http://t.co/cE75X6qrQL ->
- ‘Sorry for breaking your privacy’: Programmer hacks Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook page to expose security bug. http://t.co/hEnfEwC0rF ->
- Henrietta Lacks and the Paradox of Science and Privacy. http://t.co/WAnLmymcpx ->