- RT @nellleo: neat -> Sick of government spying, corporate monitoring, and overpriced ISPs? There's a cure for that http://t.co/hEiVedKaj0 ->
- Privacy not ‘invaded’ when people freely give up rights. http://t.co/sdpepHyCJk ->
- Will Verizon Spy With Its Canadian Eye? http://t.co/WlZunNgk1E ->
- Time for Canadian privacy regulators to take action on pervasive surveillance: Geist. http://t.co/NP3naAGlQv ->
- Shoppers Drug Mart Optimum Card holders targeted. http://t.co/Pg50voBjUK ->
- Do Helmet Cams Invade Privacy? http://t.co/y1fCkba1BG ->
- Laugh, or cry? >> PRSM – The Sharing Network http://t.co/bzZhk7N0Ad – via @ShawnHooper ->