- Electronic Frontier Foundation's Encrypt the Web Report: Who's Doing What. http://t.co/OURnGWxYYM ->
- Canadian data breaches: The only thing that will lead to change. http://t.co/jz2EkHQqdc ->
- Privacy: Learning from other provinces. http://t.co/JbhM6kvqi5 ->
- Federal government tables cyberbullying bill that will make it illegal to send ‘intimate images’ without consent. http://t.co/pbAsTtWuqw ->
- Patient privacy breach at Aberdeen Hospital revealed – Nova Scotia. http://t.co/1Ij4ZUvpTU ->
- NDP push access to information, ethics law changes. http://t.co/vUCvPP6p6v ->
- A Cheap Box Brings Hacker Anonymity Tool Tor to the Mass Market. http://t.co/9sibtFWeUD ->