U.S. FATCA tax law catches unsuspecting Canadians in its crosshairs. buff.ly/1fyiQsL

at 04:45 PM GMT from Buffer
Heed Gary Dickson on privacy law. buff.ly/1dQH0b0

at 04:56 PM GMT from Buffer
Why your smartphone is telling this Toronto tech firm all about you. buff.ly/1dQEH7Y

at 05:00 PM GMT from Buffer
Google runs afoul of Canada's privacy law with some behavioural ads: watchdog. buff.ly/L5n8JS

at 05:15 PM GMT from Buffer
Royal Canadian Mint’s digital MintChip passes new milestone. buff.ly/1fyjkip

at 05:30 PM GMT from Buffer
Health data breach review cost B.C. $611K. buff.ly/1fyj5Uw

at 05:45 PM GMT from Buffer
Mark Zuckerberg calls Snapchat a “Privacy Phenomenon”. buff.ly/1fyjTsv

at 06:02 PM GMT from Buffer
Citizens in free society should not be spied on by government. buff.ly/1fyk3Ac

at 06:15 PM GMT from Buffer
GPS and smartphone car technology raises questions about drivers' privacy. buff.ly/1aoBdc1

at 06:31 PM GMT from Buffer
Saskatchewan's privacy watchdog stepping down. buff.ly/1fykuKW

at 06:45 PM GMT from Buffer
Facebook Privacy Settings: 3 To Check. buff.ly/1m5IHbM

at 07:02 PM GMT from Buffer
Q & A: How will the new U.S. tax law affect Canadians? buff.ly/1dQGwSd

at 07:15 PM GMT from Buffer
Does Canada's Bill C-13 really tackle cyber-bullying? buff.ly/1hrybsx

at 08:00 PM GMT from Buffer
Editorial: Dickson will be a tough act to follow… buff.ly/LeueMY

at 09:01 PM GMT from Buffer