- Telco Opportunity: Become Trusted Identity Brokers (PDF) http://t.co/8xOdVfARHo ->
- ER doctors use Google Glass and QR codes to identify patients. http://t.co/aAbPeBWkir ->
- Editorial: Dunces about the dangers of data. http://t.co/hlSBYyJXn7 ->
- Financial agency spurns privacy commissioner’s concerns over personal data. http://t.co/kmXJTYgzMo ->
- Canadian youth protect online reputations, but not their information http://t.co/1ca3Z7mfzs ->
- Cop Watch app records police-citizen interactions. http://t.co/bDk9Ur33J1 ->
- How Do Telecoms Share Data with Government? They Won't Say. http://t.co/YLgdunNR2T ->
- The Big-Brother Employer: Surveillance of employees doesn’t always stand up. http://t.co/f27PgApppB ->
- Laptop stolen? Don`t expect help from the police. http://t.co/81yoO5WKqG ->
- Toronto police shouldn’t stop carding, lawyer says. http://t.co/K6knvbXyA7 ->
- Use of surveillance tech to monitor seniors at home on rise. http://t.co/bNw22iqYoA ->
- Metadata spying is spying. http://t.co/n1l7aaAiDT ->
- When Should a Social Media Site, Such as Facebook, Take Active Steps to Address the Actions of Imposters? http://t.co/saG1QLhw2Z ->
- The New Anti-Spam Law – The BIG Exceptions. http://t.co/NRXrDpPTXy ->
- Is the Internet a threat or a gift to democracy? http://t.co/h9KxguBa0L ->