- Digital Privacy Act will require firms to report data breaches: Moore. http://t.co/FymlbOZBL1 ->
- No expecation of privacy at a nude beach, Ontario judge finds. http://t.co/gYRGT4vPFg ->
- CSEC dodges questions on relationship with Big Three telecom companies. http://t.co/QG9IpP1LMh ->
- Cookies that give you away: The surveillance implications of web tracking. http://t.co/5KKLvxYMZW ->
- NB Privacy commissioner advises on surveillance cameras. http://t.co/Gb2pL22gQl ->
- PIPEDA amendments coming this week to a Parliament near you. http://t.co/YBRnLnMzyr ->
- Ottawa digital strategy gets largely negative reviews for being too late. http://t.co/rJMvtaX2xP ->
- Websites Must Use HSTS in Order to Be Secure. http://t.co/TB3hrUIVTb ->
- Editorial: Public servants and personal privacy: Access to video footage should not be automatic. http://t.co/m2SHLk5KWx ->
- 5 Privacy Laws I Would Put on the Books Right Now. http://t.co/i7ePu59Wly ->
- BC Services Card may become omnibus-style ID. http://t.co/ffiQxDwGzN ->
- 74% of Americans Won't Wear Google Glass Because of Privacy Concerns. http://t.co/WBXUFCyxkJ ->
- Hidden camera in YMCA locker prompts privacy questions. http://t.co/cJPeKaVltx ->
- Google’s sneaky new privacy change affects 85% of iPhone users—but most of them won’t have noticed. http://t.co/ndlytXoA0j ->
- Q and A with Chantal Bernier, Interim Privacy Commissioner of Canada. http://t.co/jFhIrj5xs9 ->
- Digital Canada 150: The Digital Strategy Without a Strategy. http://t.co/7R1SW6PdhF ->
- Tories cry foul over FIPPA request. http://t.co/qQd2oXD6in ->
- U.S. Pushes Canada To Loosen Privacy Laws. http://t.co/MluREn0aw1 ->
- Privacy laws stifle Yukon’s truth and reconciliation. http://t.co/dabBAPyLNl ->
- 5 Misconceptions About Facebook Privacy. http://t.co/FyAcD8JZ8K ->
- Privacy office unable to probe alleged Regina Police misconduct. http://t.co/Z1nfmVv998 ->
- Industry Canada plan for a better Web: New privacy rules, more rural broadband. http://t.co/nU26NjwC3R ->
- Make police chiefs' associations transparent, says B.C. privacy commissioner. http://t.co/CICVGmxLBo ->
- Ottawa's digital strategy targets privacy, rural internet. http://t.co/XvGjgWULbt ->
- What are the legal coordinates for GPS use on company vehicles? http://t.co/6a9jPl7GeH ->
- How the Digital Age Has Eroded Student Privacy. http://t.co/vDztZe937F ->
- B.C. law for animal outbreaks raises privacy concerns, watchdog says. http://t.co/HlqRX7faS8 ->