- Xbox password flaw exposed by five-year-old boy. http://t.co/50W2dUijdU ->
- An App to Turn an Ex-Con's Phone Into 'Little Brother'. http://t.co/8kIeyaIMNj ->
- Canadian eavesdropping agency fretted about staff safety following U.S. leaks. http://t.co/eFc2L754Pd ->
- Lack of health app regulation is concerning. http://t.co/jZke8wIidb ->
- Livestream app lets users stream video from Google Glass. http://t.co/eRmYqVviQX ->
- Thousands of websites still hosted on Windows XP. http://t.co/iIu0M6gBUk ->
- Canada needs privacy rules for drones. http://t.co/Nx3n2nTwml ->
- "Unbreakable" Encryption Almost Certainly Isn't. http://t.co/umbFXwOaRM ->
- Boxee.tv still silent after mystery 158,000 database breach of forum users. http://t.co/kBIU5hv6LW ->
- Google's new smartphone update collects WAY more personal data. http://t.co/WUoy5nhQwr ->
- CRTC Issues a Compliance and Enforcement Regulatory Policy for Unsolicited Telecommunications Rule. http://t.co/uBhUeMwVVy ->
- 5 biometric alternatives to the password. http://t.co/ZP6vio8KlA ->
- How DuckDuckGo Is Positioning Itself to Take on Google. http://t.co/zExwgY5DCx ->
- Browser cookies: How they could be undermining your privacy. http://t.co/AQFUwUMlpL ->
- Social media dobbing on public servants could breach Privacy Act. http://t.co/jrMBCTx7kY ->