- Fighting for your right to privacy is a lot older than computers. http://t.co/0DmkW62eFR ->
- Which MPs Have Your Back When it Comes to Privacy? http://t.co/Sy2UIaY1pl ->
- Canada’s fight against the government’s Online Spying Bill C-13 continues – and the next stage will be crucial. http://t.co/DZaJG5ng1l ->
- U.S. tax law puts privacy of Canadians in ‘jeopardy,’ NDP warns. http://t.co/s6VF8k1A7z ->
- Reports of massive public surveillance badly timed for Conservatives’ cyberbills. http://t.co/QDqkZnW7IC ->
- We can’t let phone companies determine our privacy rights. http://t.co/BNRtZ27raw ->
- Antivirus is Dead: Long Live Antivirus! http://t.co/GkVycd3Ifx ->
- Government snooping on social media may breach Privacy Act. http://t.co/sUH7sDWeOo ->
- Grocery store loyalty cards help B.C. disease detectives trace hepatitis A outbreak. http://t.co/ZXoIxmES8p ->
- Chantal Bernier says Ottawa snooping on social media. http://t.co/8WmT15Cjrd ->
- Data blurring between public, private sectors risks privacy: book. http://t.co/ObmoXW3Nu4 ->
- Is Canada Stalking Me? A New Software Platform Aims To Find Out. http://t.co/k17mpYY8GE ->
- British Columbia Privacy Commissioner Recommends Limits on Police Information Checks. http://t.co/UZ3HtXXPT0 ->
- Snapchat agrees to 20 years of FTC oversight over false privacy claims. http://t.co/ZQdcbgTQM4 ->
- Canada’s Anti-Spam Law – Examples of Regulated Electronic Messages. http://t.co/0PtZ88mQKR ->
- How DRM Harms Our Computer Security. http://t.co/ub6Guwuosm ->
- OPC releases Guidelines for Online Consent. http://t.co/4IxrLVESYX ->
- Former NSA Chief Defends Stockpiling Software Flaws for Spying. http://t.co/TQSxfDjxhQ ->
- David Young: Push back on privacy. http://t.co/1Xue55QCW2 ->
- Fearing Google. http://t.co/8U4ZhZwhKG ->
- Why State Surveillance Isn't Going Away Anytime Soon. http://t.co/AHS7JUnash ->
- New Movement Aims to ‘Reset the Net’ Against Mass Surveillance. http://t.co/0HiWlX8AGX ->
- Canadian Law Enforcement Asking For ISP Subscriber Data Every 27 Seconds; Pending Legislation Looking To Up Number. http://t.co/kIKYZjw8kG ->