- This highrise spies on its tenants: Fiorito http://t.co/Oxogh75O3h ->
- Cryptology ePrint Archive – Study: Security of Symmetric Encryption against Mass Surveillance. http://t.co/ooT2hORNYj ->
- ‘Appalled, incredulous and angry’: Canadians slam law giving IRS personal information. http://t.co/SW0sSlEz7i ->
- Don't trust privacy apps, use Tor. http://t.co/PATxZj6YkA ->
- Article 29 Working Party Lists Reservations on Adequacy of Quebec's Data Protection Legal Regime. http://t.co/3fzJMzsoGq ->
- Researchers Find and Decode the Spy Tools Governments Use to Hijack Phones. http://t.co/uTGI1HeTFZ ->
- ‘No judgment, no discretion’: Police records that ruin innocent lives. http://t.co/v2uaEL3El9 ->
- Google Glass Snoopers Can Steal Your Passcode With a Glance. http://t.co/t7PaHgKh0e ->
- Border agency bows to data privacy concerns. http://t.co/pxald6Zd9W ->
- Privacy watchdog alerted as Surrey student names, grades released in bulk email. http://t.co/ieWrjKgD3D ->
- What Kind of Privacy Pipe Is Facebook Smoking? Consumers Don't Want Targeted Ads! http://t.co/lEZ2tvB1pE ->
- Cyberbullying, the Supreme Court and the future of Bill C-13. http://t.co/XJK69XVc0n ->
- Rouge Valley Hospital faces $400M class-action lawsuit over privacy breach. http://t.co/UFAoFKgFvs ->
- Citizen Lab's report on malware vendors. http://t.co/jPIHL6VycC ->
- Newfoundland and Labrador Privacy Commissioner Ed Ring Seeks to Dismantle Bill 29. http://t.co/ufd9dfDpyh ->
- BC Privacy Commissioner investigates after students' information sent to parents. http://t.co/lNOhf6nXYu ->
- New Canadian Anti-Spam Compliance and Enforcement Guidelines. http://t.co/LhgXx6AZhq ->
- The government spied on me without a warrant. http://t.co/iBfxcOTTm8 ->
- Mock email scam at Justice Canada snares hundreds of bureaucrats. http://t.co/odSzY28Twl ->
- Canadians wary of income-tax security even before Heartbleed: report. http://t.co/uuJvRoSu2c ->
- Two Bills Later, Political Parties Can Still Collect Your Info Scot-Free. http://t.co/pGQdezOdKQ ->
- Info czar takes port authority to court. http://t.co/lkeQhbIzHY ->