Universities grapple with providing health services, protecting
Vancouver Sun – British Columbia, Canada
Ontario’s privacy commissioner, Ann Cavoukian, and several of her counterparts in other provinces, say universities need to have a clearer understanding of
The enduring mystery of suicide
Toronto Star – Ontario, Canada
The other issue this story has raised – a victim’s right to privacy – is a frustrating one for Ann Cavoukian, Ontario’s information and privacy commissioner
Aussies follow Canadian lead on data breach guide
CIO Australia – Australia
“We had worked with the New Zealand privacy commissioner and showed her our breach notification assessment tool,” Ann Cavoukian, Information and Privacy
Court snuffs out common sense
Calgary Herald – AB, Canada
The court has put privacy rights ahead of the protection of society, ruling the use of sniffer dogs in two cases — one at a Calgary bus depot six years ago
In praise of privacy
Ottawa Citizen – Ontario, Canada
Parents warn their children against putting too much private information on the Internet, but some parents could stand to learn that lesson themselves.
Recent student suicide sparks privacy debate
CJAD – Montreal,Quebec,Canada
University officials say they can’t inform parents of any mental problems their child might have, because they’re bound by provincial privacy laws,
Branching out with privacy walls
Globe and Mail – Canada
The so-called living wall creates privacy around a property and blocks noise like any artificial barrier. Mr. Biglieri is the president of The Living Wall
Invasion of privacy; Facebook and MySpace may not be as secure as
Peterborough Examiner – Peterborough,Ontario,Canada
Turns out, even the privacy-conscious Sarah Browns of the world freely hand over personal information to perfect strangers. They do so every time they
Flickr Taking Privacy Just Casually Enough
InternetNews.com – USA
But with sharing come privacy concerns. Flickr has found it can increase usage on its photo-sharing site by providing just enough privacy.
Back to class on medical privacy
Detroit Free Press – United States
In fact, the union claims the survey is a potential invasion of privacy, because it asked such questions as whether workers had been treated in the past 10
The darker side of Webmail
Computerworld – Framingham,MA,USA
But second thoughts may be in order, according to security experts, privacy advocates and some Webmail users. Few consider the fact that Webmail is
A few social networking privacy tips
Forbes – NY,USA
_ Check for updates on privacy policies on various sites you use. _ Never assume that anything you post online is completely private. Trust your instincts.
911 registry raises privacy concerns
phillyBurbs.com – Philadelphia,PA,USA
“It really is their decision as to whether they want to put more weight on their privacy, or put more weight on letting 911 know they have a disability,”
Disquiet grows as York Springs finds itself balancing safety and
The Evening Sun – Hanover,PA,USA
The American Civil Liberties Union says it is less concerned right now with issues of ethnicity than with issues of privacy. And the town says it is only
Land rightly protects voter privacy
DetNews.com – Detroit,MI,USA
Michigan’s prior law, as well as a Supreme Court ruling, protects voter privacy and Land did what was required in keeping the lists secret.
Fingerprinting program threatens privacy for CPAs, accountants
Alaskajournal.com – Anchorage,AK,USA
We have surrendered enough of our privacy. This illogical, un-American and Orwellian obsession with collecting innocent people’s fingerprints must end now.
FBI’s Net surveillance proposal raises privacy, legal concerns
CNET News.com – San Francisco,CA,USA
Informed consent is important because of the wording of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, or ECPA, which says that providers may share the contents
Is Your Doctor/Lawyer/Accountant Endangering Your Privacy?
Free Liberal – Woodbridge,VA,USA
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