CPR for Friday, February 26, 2010
House sends extension of Patriot Act to Obama msnbc.com The privacy protections were cast aside when Senate Democrats lacked the necessary 60-vote supermajority to pass them. Thrown away were restrictions…
Privacy and Information Security news stories affecting Canada and the Fediverse.
House sends extension of Patriot Act to Obama msnbc.com The privacy protections were cast aside when Senate Democrats lacked the necessary 60-vote supermajority to pass them. Thrown away were restrictions…
Feds dragging feet on Lennikov documents: MPCBC.caThe MP is filing a complaint with the federal privacy commissioner, Jennifer Stoddart. Both CSIS and the CBSA have requested an extension, Julian said.…
Does personalized genomics pit privacy against ethics?Ars Technica – Boston,MA,USAThe problem is, however, that this forces an uncomfortable balance between privacy and ethical concerns, nicely summed up by the essay’s…
Ontario and BC Privacy Commissioners offer guidance to …Canada NewsWire (press release) – Toronto,Ontario,CanadaThis morning, Ontario’s Ann Cavoukian and BC’s David Loukidelis released a Joint Practice Tool for Exercising Discretion…
Bars’ plan to record IDs might violate privacy lawsCanada.com – Don Mills,Ontario,CanadaBC’s privacy commissioner is investigating whether the practice of having bar patrons run their drivers licences through scanners at…
Personal Genomes Going Public for ResearchNew York Times – United StatesIncluding phenotypes, which most other public genetic databases have avoided in deference to privacy concerns, should allow researchers to more…