CPR for Monday, September 28, 2009
Gun owners up in armsLondon Free Press – London,Ontario,CanadaVan Loan said his office is looking into the incident and he plans to ask Privacy Commissioner Jennifer Stoddart to examine whether…
Privacy and Information Security news stories affecting Canada and the Fediverse.
Gun owners up in armsLondon Free Press – London,Ontario,CanadaVan Loan said his office is looking into the incident and he plans to ask Privacy Commissioner Jennifer Stoddart to examine whether…
OFFICE OF THE INFORMATION AND PRIVACY COMMISSIONER – ONTARIO …TORONTO Sept 17 – Ontario’s Information and Privacy Commissioner Dr Ann Cavoukian is a launching a multilevel information drive during Right…
ID theft feared with new BC driver’s licencesVancouver Sun – British Columbia, CanadaAnd Canada’s privacy commissioner Jennifer Stoddart says she fears the cards may leave people vulnerable to similar breaches…
Obama’s cell phone hacked, privacy issues murkyScientific American – USAIt’s not clear what privacy measures Verizon has in place, but “it says something about Verizon that they said something about…
Under surveillance: Backers of privacy rights track GPS useBoston Globe – United StatesPrivacy advocates said tracking suspects electronically constitutes illegal search and seizure, violating Fourth Amendment rights, and is another…
Civil liberties group says BC school survey violates privacy …The Canadian Press – VANCOUVERVANCOUVER — The BC Civil Liberties Association says a survey of provincial high school students violates the…