CPR for Monday, September 21, 2009
How Facebook tried to put a shine on $9.5m privacy suitguardian.co.ukWe look forward to the creation of the foundation and its work to educate Internet users on how best to…
Privacy and Information Security news stories affecting Canada and the Fediverse.
How Facebook tried to put a shine on $9.5m privacy suitguardian.co.ukWe look forward to the creation of the foundation and its work to educate Internet users on how best to…
Canada backpedals on sharing personal database with USThe Canadian Press – OTTAWAThe move follows vocal criticism from federal and provincial privacy commissioners, who warned earlier this year the scheme could…
Privacy controversy mars Google Apps rollout at Canadian universityITBusiness.ca – Scarborough,Ontario,CanadaLakehead University staff are engaged in sensitive privacy arbitration with the administration over the rollout of Google Apps. Staff fear…