CPR for Tuesday, June 15, 2010
From the CPR tweetstream (@cproundup): Google and AT&T taken to task by FCC over privacy breaches | IT PRO The Facebook privacy paradox – Computerworld How the Federal Government Could…
Privacy and Information Security news stories affecting Canada and the Fediverse.
From the CPR tweetstream (@cproundup): Google and AT&T taken to task by FCC over privacy breaches | IT PRO The Facebook privacy paradox – Computerworld How the Federal Government Could…
Internal federal report calls for sweeping review of controversial no-fly list Metro Canada – Ottawa Jennifer Stoddart said the deputy minister at Transport had almost nothing to go on when…
Retailers must limit collection of driver’s licence information …Government of Canada Newsroom (press release) – Ottawa,ON,Canada… to see driver’s licences and are recording numbers, often in contravention of privacy laws,”…
City to spend another $50000 seeking database accessToronto Star – Ontario, CanadaBut both, along with Ontario privacy commissioner Ann Cavoukian, basically said automatic access by councillors would contravene provincial privacy…
Freedom of Information requests hold steadyMississauga – Mississauga,ON,CanadaFor example, rather than individual provinces building their own databases of citizenship information from scratch, Dr. Ann Cavoukian is urging Ottawa to ……
Who do our privacy laws protect?New Brunswick Business Journal – Moncton,NB,CanadaBut can privacy laws also protect governments from releasing potentially controversial or embarrassing information? Absolutely, say those familiar with ……