Month: June 2013

News for Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The NSA’s military-technological complex should concern us all. -> Eavesdropping agency’s personal information banks go unlisted despite legal obligation. -> Surveillance society: 7 ways you’re being watched, and…

News for June 21, 2013

CanadianPrivacy: How unique–and trackable–is your browser? CanadianPrivacy: The Web Cookie Is Dying. Here’s The Creepier Technology That Comes Next. CanadianPrivacy: Google Faces French Order to Fix Privacy Issues…

News for June 19, 2013

CanadianPrivacy: RT @EFF: How dozens of companies know you're reading about those NSA leaks (and everything else you're doing on the web)… CanadianPrivacy: OPC News Release: Data protection authorities…